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Pediatric OT

Adira Occupational Therapy specializes in pediatric feeding, lip, and tongue ties, oral motor skills, maternal health, and neurorehabilitation. 


Our evidence-based support for pediatric feeding includes a comprehensive "whole baby approach" to assessment and interventions. Focusing predominantly on infants through the age of 3 years we offer:

  • A compassionate, holistic approach that supports the baby and caregiver dyad in breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or transitioning to solids.

  • Interventions for pediatric feeding may address developmental, sensory, postural, neurobehavioral, and oral motor skills to achieve successful and functional motor patterns. 

  • Interventions and care plans are designed to support family priorities and a positive feeding experience.

Our experience has been that offering this service in the home setting is ideal to ensure success for families and caretakers to be in their natural environment and actively participate in the session.


Do you wonder is your child’s development is on track?
Are you concerned that although your child does not qualify for early intervention or school funded services, they still need outside support?
Do you want guidance to improve skills sets for first time attendees at preschool or kindergarten?

Dr. Monica also provides pediatric occupational therapy services to support these and other challenges including so that children can:

  • Achieve developmental milestones such as rolling over, sitting and cruising

  • String beads, do puzzles, and play pretend

  • Eat and dress independently

  • Participate in circle time

  • Play sports

  • Regulate their behavior and minimize tantrums

  • Communicate with friends

  • Write and do homework

The personalized and family-centered approach aims to improve function and skills through restoration, compensation, and adaptation. Occupational therapy sessions occur within the context of play and instruction, which is tailored to the little's age and interests. The frequency and duration of therapy depends on the needs of your child and family. Very often I offer short term intervention with periodic check ins on an as needed basis. 


How it Works

Adira Occupational Therapy offers personalized and evidence-based services to help our clients achieve safe and efficient day-to-day living. Our focus is on maximizing functional outcomes through patient and family-driven care. Adira Occupational Therapy specializes in pediatric feeding, maternal health, and neurorehabilitation.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our initial 60 to 75-minute session includes an interview, assessment, and clinical observation to obtain a well-rounded Occupational profile to guide a holistic practice. With the evaluation findings, I will create a comprehensive report, and together with your family, we will create a care plan to guide our future treatment sessions, including the frequency of treatment sessions.


Treatment Session

50-minute intervention sessions to support the area of need, with an ever-evolving treatment to ensure we meet your family's goals and to aid in the just right challenge for skill development. 

Do you have any questions about OT or Adira Occupational Therapy? Reach out. You can schedule a free 15-minute consultation below, or contact me here.

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